Sunday, November 15, 2009

Attach Mantle Shelf To Wall

Theatre Workshop - last place!

After class demonstration in October, November 9 opened the new theater workshop taught by Dear Toni and Francesco Oddo at the Academy of Dance, Theatre, Arts and Entertainment "Bailamos "directed by Tonino Peren.

The course has a limited number of members and the limit has almost been reached, those who are still interested contact the secretariat as soon as possible.

Classes are held every Monday from 21.00 to 23:00 at the school premises in via di Campo Romano, 18 Rome (Morena).

With this initiative, the company offers a route involving, dynamic and above all practical: the indefatigable purpose is to gather together the tools to go stage.

In the lab will work with the body and voice, to learn and strengthen basic theatrical techniques: Breathing - Scenic Movement - Use of Voice - Diction - Improvisation - Reading Theatre - Drama.

Work will also be on the "profession", the art of being on stage: control emotion '- comic timing - Interpretation - The joke: what to call it - mnemonic - The plot - The work on the script.

The workshop will conclude in May with a play, a comedy of ... But We can not tell it all!

Info and registration: tel . 06/72632053 - - \u200b\u200b
or through the contacts of our company

Info on teachers:
Toni Gentile Francesco Oddo

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Did Deborah Sampson's Have A Quotable Quote

Taxi to 2 squares 9 and 10 replicates!

popular demand after selling out last April, the company TeatroCombriccola back on stage in Rome with two replicas of the show "Taxi 2 squares" hilarious comedy by Ray Cooney directed by Francesco Gentile and Tonino Oddo.

Mario Rossi, taxi driver, married to Mary Smith, living in Rome in Piazza Risorgimento.
Mario Rossi, taxi driver, married to Barbara Smith, who lived in Rome in Piazza Irnerio.
Both end up in the emergency room in an agitated night, took a blow to the head.
A curious case of homonyms?
That 's what will seek to clarify the painstaking Marshal Pascucci, having taken back home to his wife Mr. Rossi Mary. Meanwhile, Barbara Rossi, concerned about the retention of her husband, Brigadier Percy turns to ...
What follows is a hilarious series of misunderstandings, coincidences, continuous lies and deceptions of reality, leading to an increasing rate with the unexpected ending!

Friday 9 and Saturday, October 10, at 21
Teatro San Luca
via Renzo da Ceri 136
Rome (Area Prenestina - piazza Malatesta)


Francesco Gentile (John Smith)
Anthony Oddo (Walter Factor)
Flavia Li Vigni (Barbara Smith)
Elisa Sallicandro (Mary Smith)
Fabio Mann (Brigadier Percy)
Fabio Sabbatini (Marshal Pascucci)
Stephen Peaks (Bobby)
and with the participation of Riviera Proietti

Contact us to book your ticket!
tel 349 6043390

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Application Response Vans Store

Theatre Workshop - trial lessons

E 'departure in October 2009 in the new theater workshop taught by Tonino Oddo and Frank Gentile at the Roman school of art and entertainment ASD Bailamos directed by Tonino Peren. There will

three demonstration lessons FREE :
Saturday, October 3, from 17:00 to 19:00
Friday, October 16th from 21:00 to 22:30
Sunday, October 25, from 16:00 to 18:00

The laboratory for everyone: theater enthusiasts who want to acquire specific technical skills or just curious people who want to know and experience the language and theatrical expression.
In the lab will work with the body and voice, to learn and strengthen basic theatrical techniques: breathing, stage movement, use of voice, diction, improvisation, reading, theater, drama. An ample space analysis and interpretation of several plays, ranging between genres, styles and authors, to allow the participants to "work on the character." It will work on improvisation and theater on the "profession" the art of being on stage. A path
dynamic, creative and proactive to learn theatrical techniques and experience to get involved, that will conclude with a theatrical performance.

Info and reservations at the school office or by contacting our company to the contacts listed on the right.

School ASD Bailamos
via Campo Romano, 18 (Morena)
tel. 06/72632053

Info on teachers:
Toni Gentile Francesco Oddo

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Custom Rugby Shirts Name On Back

Our trip to Fiuggi Fiuggi

Fiuggi? a really great experience and very well received - says Elisa aka "Mary Doe" in the show 'Taxi 2 squares' staged at the Teatro Comunale di Fiuggi on 13 September.
arrive in the country at about 9, the company, almost full, he begins to work in record time and the scenery is standing (with a few minor problems ^ ^). They settle the last things on stage and off with the dress rehearsal! At 17
event begins: Who sings, who backs off and then on 19 touches ... us! We are a bit 'anxious but we throw ourselves headlong into comedy. The audience laughs and cheers! Heave a sigh of relief ... Let's go on with no pause between the first and second place ... At 21 ends the show and only half an hour after the theater is empty, dismantled the set, the costumes in a suitcase ... we just have to eat a plate of pasta all at once (prepared by the wonderful "mothers" of the gang) and return to the capital with a smile:)

Here is an article published by the newspaper of Frosinone "The Province" which speaks of the event to which the company has participated in: very flattering to us!

articolo giornale

is waiting for detailed information Taxi on the next replicas, watch photos of the show in the slideshow above or at Facebook ;)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Free Recipe For A Seafood Mornay Sauce

of symphonies, and Pigs Orgasms

Today I attended a concert. Classical music at the Milan Conservatory. I was invited last minute and I could not say no. It was a concert of the festival MiTo led by Diego Matheuz, Director of Orchestra of Venezuela, of 25 years, just one more than me. A student of Abbado, so to speak. The hall was packed with people, and the atmosphere seemed positive. Honestly, I'm not a lover of classical music. In short, I have the basics, if I speak of movements and andante allegro vivace or I can nod convinced the pundits as if I were on duty, but if you ask me to name this author of this work or mumbled something while I walk away with doing seconded. Now, the concert program featured three songs. The first was the ' overture to Rossini's William Tell . Yes, maybe, I do not know, I heard. Here, yes, I had heard, and how. It 'was the ringing of my phone when I was 14. It 'was one of the pieces that I loved most of Fantasia. But see him live, follow the hands of the Director, the musicians accompany the body with the tool, see them crouching just before attacking, even if they were chasing cats, well, it was like an orgasm. An orgasm about 12 minutes, about half of the orgasm middle of a pig. So while I enjoyed with tears in their eyes to what humanity is great, I was reminded of the pigs and the question I always do about their epic orgasm: But it is proportionate to the embrace? For if the dear Mr Pig can barely get in and then stays there with a face like a prick like " Jizz in My Pants" for more than twenty minutes, well, frankly that is not envy him that much. However, while I was there to have a hearing but also visual orgasm (I'll be strange, but my favorite thing in a gig like that is to follow the musicians with his eyes for a moment before they begin to play) and I thought the pigs, I remembered that today YOU told me that yes, he started going to bed with her new boyfriend. And I got a pang in my heart, I drove out with vehemence. So I decided to keep track of all the times I feel a pang in my heart thinking of her and him in the throes of lustful pleasures. Are 11, according to latest polls. It is not so bad. The dense core are controlled and improvised, not constant and more destructive. I am healing, perhaps. But I still need her, or in utilitarian terms (if you do not study with the cocks I graduate) and affective (Shit, after all, is still the pivot around which the wheel) and then I still see it every day all day. And do the things we did before, without sex or basins. And I continue to cuddle and pamper. I admit, sometimes I feel a little ' serf but the affront with a smile. This month ends, you will have the verdict on my academic career, positive or negative, and then comes the RESET. What will I do not know, but I'm excited and curious.

In the meantime, I wish him to enjoy as a Pork . Who has ears to hear. And the others, who knows

- You want me to put a broom in the ass, so you sweep the room?
Faso "serfs" - Elio e le Storie Tese

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Quadriderm Defenition

The company is pleased to announce that next September 13th will cross the boundaries of the Roman province to bring in scene also Fiuggi lucky the last script, Taxi 2 squares by Ray Cooney.

The show will be held at 17 at the Municipal Theatre of the famous spa town (80 km south of Rome) in the event of theater, music and fashion "Smile Day 2" organized by 'cultural association The Marguglio .

on a completely new stage and a small change in the cast, will relive the entertaining adventures of the mysterious taxi driver John Smith and his friend Walter, that is, comically intertwined stories of two marriages, two incidents and many investigators ...


Francesco Gentile (John Smith)
Anthony Oddo (Walter Factor)
Flavia Li Vigni (Barbara Smith)
Elisa Sallicandro (Mary Smith)
Fabio Mann (Brigadier Percy)
Fabio Sabbatini (Marshal Pascucci)
Stephen Peaks (Bobby)
involving Stefania Sarti
Lights and sound: Andrea Gentile

Useful Info
When: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 17:00
Where: City Theatre Fiuggi, Piazza Trento e Trieste
Input event: 10 €
Info and reservations: 388 1279236

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Recessed Oil Rubbed Bronze Toilet Paper Holder


Here we go again. Back after two years, the desire to blog, and instead of continuing to write about Genius & Talent helps to increase the volume of the blogosphere with Pointless Vandalism , a title which more or less explains itself. The official reason for the abandonment of G & T is that Splinder sucks, does not give you the possibility to edit a post as it once was. On the other hand, the template was highly customizable, and I remember being beaten a lot to organize it, without having any knowledge of HTML. But I have not figured out how to import it here, if possible, and then Sticazzi. You can do on Wordpress, but it seems too "pro" for my hankering for bloggers.

The other reason is that a reset every so often is good.

"Can you feel it? Is in the air .... change ..."
Randall Boggs, in Monsters Inc. , 2001

Friday, June 19, 2009

Augusta Brazilian Waxing

I went to buy cigarettes ...

Two years and two days since last post. In short, if we look deeper, we realize that 2007 is not that it's been great year. The reason is simple: c'avevo else to do. New friends, new girl, new coexistence. Now she is gone and not even living together, and accomplice twitter I came back the desire. Just to update you, g & t: I am still in Milan, I still same university where my rector calls God "majority shareholder" and perhaps even unbelievable but I graduate in September. Now, reset everything. Without explanation, without getting lost in painful memories or not. Maybe I'm really back.

Ps but what happened to the editor? It 's so ... poor. Maybe it's time to move elsewhere?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Charlie The Unicorn Party Decorations

On stage in Macbeth Gabriele Lavia

Gabriele Lavia seems as if he intended to stage a text by EA Poe, then, by chance, found himself in the hands of Macbeth W. Shakespeare, the setting is indeed very dark , the vast stage of the theater Argentina was sparsely filled with a few chairs, stones, or even more often, nothing. A ubiquitous background music makes it even darker atmosphere. Everything seems to want to externalize the state of the protagonist who lives in perpetual fear and loneliness of his actions. Loneliness that is felt even more precisely when the scene is populated by a large number of characters (15 actors appear in all), a feeling that is projected on the ground scattered all over the stage, and racing in the fast movements of the actors to fill in brief time throughout the stage space, a space larger than themselves, a space that reminds the characters (and the public) even though their tragic smallness of the "large" (Macbeth, in fact, becomes king). Lavia
totally abandon the classical view swords and duels and the characters wear very long jackets with hats which resemble the uniforms of the Nazi concentration camps. The weapons used, not surprisingly, it is the sound of guns thirties. The bad are executed with a gunshot wound to the neck. If we were to interpret this choice, we could say that the director wanted to represent modernity has famously become known to a Shakespearean tragedy.
actors, how about that, there are many but they are always the same ones that stand out, others, for the most part, serve as a side dish. However everyone has the merit of having been able to manage itself from within in order to create a perfect symbiosis with all choral the group and this is true for men and for the three girls who played the witches (really excellent).
It would, however, rather than talk about the rhetorical skill of Lavia's role so I'll just say that it is the excellent mix of solemnity and cowardice of the hero while Giovanna Di Rauso Lady has made her arrogant and despotic exactly as expected.
The only possibly negative of the show is that everything, in some places, it is rather heavy and difficult to follow, then perhaps it is only recommended to fans of the genre.

Title: Macbeth
William Shakespeare Directed by: Gabriele Lavia
Cast: Gabriele Lavia , Giovanna Di Rauso, Maurizio Lombardi, Biagio Forestieri, Patrick Cigliano, Mario Pietramala, Alessandro Parise, Michele Demaria, Daniel Dwerryhouse, Fabrizio Vona Andrea Macaluso, Mauro Celaia, Giorgia Sinicorni, Degani Chiara, Giulia Galiani
Where: Theatre Argentina : Largo Argentina, 52 (Old Town)
Rating: 8 / 10

Monday, April 13, 2009

Can I Get P90x On Limewire

Taxi 2 squares: open the presale

missing the first ten days of our new show, Taxi 2 squares , and we are pleased to announce the opening of bookings and - brand new this year - the pre . In fact, those who buy tickets in advance will be immediately assigned and reserved the best seats available, using a special software management audience. As in the best theaters, a great opportunity for our audience to ensure the best places without having to arrive very early in the evening of the show! For those who prefer to pay at the box office, however, recommend the chosen date of entry into the reservation: the reservation will be maintained until 10 minutes before the event and places will be allocated at the box office.

Price Tickets are € 10 (5 € for children under 10 years), while the card association's annual, mandatory for adults, the cost of 2 € .

The show will be staged at the Teatro San Luca in Rome from April 23 onwards : Thursday Friday and Saturday at 21 , Sunday to finish 26th at 18 .

What are you waiting? call us at 349 6043390 or write to ... we are waiting!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hostels That Allow Under 18s In Amsterdam

exactly the opposite of the cartoon, Tom and Jerry, in this play, they love madly. Well, the demonstrations of love are rather unusual as Tom is a very normal child who likes cartoons and show Americans but Jerry, as a child, it gives clear signs of insanity a little 'freak'.
The two actors are really brilliant one (Michele La Ginestra) to the magnificent comic timing, the other (Edy Angelillo) for the vital energy that could be transmitted. I do not know if it depends on the enormous success of the previous season, but both seem to be in perfect harmony with each other on stage. In addition to the beats they put their hearts and, in a play which speaks of love, I think the most important thing.
The text is undoubtedly excellent (in fact won the Scripture Diego Fabbri Theatre-Forti) and is able to couple humor and romance.
What is most striking is the play of light that fully make up for the lack of scenery (not that you do not feel the lack of it).
This show is recommended to those who want to spend a pleasant evening of laughter, and those who want to bring your sweetie to the theater.

Title: Root two
Author: Adriano Bennicelli
Directed by: Enrico Maria Lamanna
Starring: Michael La Ginestra and Edy Angelillo
Genre: Comedy
Where: Theatre Italy (up to 5 April)
Rating: 7 / 10

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Free Adult Anime Hetie

root of two is back on stage! The Rose Tattoo

Mario Rossi, taxi driver, married to Mary Rossi, who lived in Rome in Piazza Risorgimento.
Mario Rossi, taxi driver, married to Barbara Smith, who lived in Rome in Piazza Irnerio.
Both end up in the emergency room in an agitated night, for an early shot in the head. A curious case of homonyms?
That 's what will seek to clarify the painstaking Marshal Pascucci, sent by the local police station to collect the deposition of Mr. Rossi, after having taken back home to his wife Mary. Meanwhile, another police targets Barbara Rossi, concerned about the retention of her husband in starting the investigation of Brigadier Percy.

What follows is a hilarious series of misunderstandings, coincidences, lies and misrepresentations of reality continue, with increasing rate leading to the unexpected finale ...

'Taxi to double' , brilliant comedy in two acts, is the jewel in the production of Ray Cooney, author of contemporary English. Staged in recent years in the major Italian theaters and international, is proposed by the company to TeatroCombriccola Teatro San Luca in Rome April 23 to 26 : 4 nights from fun!

Here is our flyer created by Andrew "Big" ...

... while in the upper right you can see the poster. Later we will give you more details on reservations and theater!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tom Brown Tracker Knife

Before tonight, I knew the text of Williams only heard about but I had never seen represented.
Considering the period in which it was written, is rather amusing is that the language used, the description of the Italian-American reality in which they are put into play the cliches and stereotypes by giving more emphasis on comedy than the drama of the situation.
The depth of each character, each of which carries his cross, inevitably requires good preparation by the actors and it goes without saying that only players with a good education behind it can take on such a "burden" without cover ridicule.
In this case the actors were all up to their roles, without exception, everyone knew to make the right breaks, right time, everyone could say his line with the right tone, right intention, right volume. The tecninca and the use of voice have been complied with strictly so that one would congratulate each of them for pointing out every single rule learned in acting school. All respect to the interpreters. Ten honors. Yet he felt that something was missing: Definitely missing something otherwise I would not have bored during the most sluggish of the text, something that made me think for almost the entire duration of the first act (it lasts about an hour and a half). Then I realized: no soul.
Every actor has in mind the advice of their teachers, but this penalty and having to comply with technical regulations has made them forget that you can not convey feelings unless you are willing to put feelings into play.
The claimant did not share with all of himself in the scene but was limited to immerse themselves in a character and this has created two negative effects: do not ride in the comic scenes and you do not feel any emotion in those dramatic.
In my mind I figured at least four potential scenes which could have been tear applause that, however, there have been.
It 'been a shame to have wasted so much talent with an error so serious and, in my view, unforgivable way (sorry for the harshness, but I do not just send in a broth of jujube the idea of \u200b\u200bpaying a ticket only to realize that even if they are 22.00, I feel the weight of the eyelids).
On a positive note, however, I dedicate it to the scenery. Sure has been achieved only thanks to the large size of the stage but the fact remains that, even absent of color, the meticulous dedication to every detail is pretty dazzling, and the same goes for the lights, although only white lights were always settled in an almost maniacal enough to always give the right emphasis to the scene.
Title: The Rose Tattoo
Tennessee Williams Directed by: Francis Tavassi
Performers: Mariangela D'Abbraccio (Serafina), Paolo Giovannucci (Alvaro Mangiacavallo), Dajana Roncione (Rosa Delle Rose), Gabriele Russo (Jack Hunter), Francesco Tavassi (Father De Leo), Federica Restani (Miss Yorke, Estelle, Bessie), Jacqueline Ferry (Flora, Peppino), Antonietta Rado (Assumption)
Genre: Comedy
rating 5 / 10

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Best Way To Get To Catania


Write a critical stage in the show sull'originalissimo Theatre 7 is anything but simple question, in fact, a real jam session in the theater every night as guests are invited new actors, writers and musicians every night so that we are seeing a different show.
The only two inevitable it is the fathers of the idea: Massimiliano Bruno and Sergio Zecca; idea that may work well in any open space to culture as a cultural club, a coffee or simply a pub in San Lorenzo.
In fact, the scenery consists of a desk, shelves full of spirits and some stool, the curtain is always open (even before and at the end) and the actors have no problem going down and have a chat with the audience before begin. The same beginning is marked by a turning off of lights, music to start opening curtain, but by the same actors who go on stage as if to say A minute's attention, we want to tell you a thing . All this creates a very different kind of separation that occurs between actor and spectator in a normal play, the fourth wall does not exist because ... deep down we are in a pub. Just
in perfect cohesion with everything, but do not bother even like small imperfections due to these sudden changes of texts from one night to the next: the director, in fact, is quite simple (almost absent) and the actors are sometimes forced to play with the sheet hand, but their skill is not to weigh everything and can give a perfect interpretation also easy to read.
Simplicity is at stake is to say this is not a play, but a simple evening after a day's work .
Each monologue or dialogue is interrupted by a short piece of music that becomes part of everything.
The atmosphere is precisely that of an evening at the pub with friends where there is always the "nice round of" who tries his hand to entertain "his audience with a story. The stories, in fact, are taken from real life stories of everyday life (at least those I saw the other night ... who knows). Stories that, indeed, could have happen to everyone and that everyone could tell even if perhaps not in an equally funny and clever as the actors on stage. It is no coincidence, in fact, that both me and my friends we met in more than one episode.
Anyway, I know so much that it's appropriate to say we very nearly return.

To have the program week after week, you can go at:
or facebook group PASPARTU '* 100 artists to play a jam session (among other things, for members of the group, there the possibility of having a reduced ticket). For
spirit, I want to say that the proceeds of the evening will be donated to the Project Theatre 7 - Solidarity Onlus
Title: Paspartù
Concept by: Massimiliano Bruno and Sergio Zecca
Authors: AA.VV.
Performers: Massilia Bruno, Sergio Zecca and other actors
Genre: Narration
Where: Theatre 7 (Via Benevento, 13)
When: Until March 15, 2009
rating: 9 / 10

Monday, February 23, 2009

What Wood Color Is Closest To Pecan

You would have a little 'time? Grand Hotel Tevere

Piazzatevi outside the Manhattan Theatre and let them tell by a spectator if he liked the show. In all likelihood, will be delighted with the two characters a bit 'strange and certainly will be lost in praise for a pianistattore virtuous and the gags. Be careful not to ask for the plot, However, you blowin 'poor spectator. The work is in fact very experimental, sometimes non-sense, made up of several "episodes" in which the players often show extraordinary talent, especially in the use of voice, often pushed beyond the limit impassable! Despite the role of supporting actor, Michael Amador amazed the audience with beautiful live music and incredible facial expressions. Not to be outdone and Simone Fulvio Calderoni Douane, masters of the stage actors and the public, that capitalize on the small size of Manhattan theater (about thirty people in all). Overall the show is light, fast runs off to seem (but only an impression) quite short, you make a lot of laughter and applause.

Title: You'd have a little 'time?
Director: Fulvio Calderoni, Simone Douane
Cast: Fulvio Calderoni, Michele Amadori, Simone Douane
Music: Michael Amador
Genre: Comedy / Comedian
Where: Theatre Manhattan (via Nazionale)
When: Until March 1 from Thursday to Sunday
Rating: 8 / 10

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Anorexic Celebrities Before And After

empty boxes, cartons, paper, wooden crates, clothes hanging on a thread and a bottle of wine form the backdrop to the performance of Alessandro Mannarino set entirely in room 27 of the Tiber Grand Hotel, a hotel that, despite the name , is only frequented by vagrants, prostitutes and poor people. Of these characters are, in fact, the story that tells the singer with his words and his music. His husky voice makes it more the idea of \u200b\u200ba dream world on the edge of exclusion.
You can see through the songs, really those characters and the prostitute, cease to be a prostitute and becomes a witch who turns people every time he makes love to her. And what you see, is the love that the character test for the prostitute. The same applies to cuttlefish, the illiterate bum and a bit 'philosopher believer in God but spit priests to pass the time.
Attention turns all around Mannarino that is never more than three steps on the tiny stage at the Comet off yet it seems to move tramp for a thousand real or invented parts of Rome, where pictures are being dictated to us (or, more precisely, the projected ) on a sheet spread on the scene. Houman Vaziri, violinist always sitting and static, brings us back to reality in short, we are sitting on chairs in a theater and we're watching a show. A show that is fun, a show that certainly does not reflect that, but just Like this, a show that is not a show but not even a concert, but which, when finished, you immediately want to see again.

Title: Grand Hotel Tevere
Written, directed and performed by: Alessandro Mannarino
Music: Alessandro Mannarino
Violin: Houman Vaziri
Genre: Musical
Where: Theatre Comet off (via Luca della Robbia, 47. Area: Testaccio)
When: Until February 15
Rating: 8 / 10

Monday, February 9, 2009

Dell Angel Usb Tuner Player

When the couple broke

Al Duse Theatre presents four split of the couple's life by addressing the most common themes (sexuality, feelings, fantasies, "open mind") through four short theater really funny.
The youth of the actors will not affect the quality of the staging, in fact, everyone seems to live up to their roles, though these may prove over the top.
Nevertheless, the first of four short films was very slow and is directed by actors who have not been able to exploit the full potential of the text. Fortunately, the accelerated pace and the tone rise with the courts later.
Unfortunately, the same praise can not be granted to the director, Luke Giacomozzi, the author has thought too much focus on the features comic characters in leaving him, alas, the more specific "technical". Stage movements are often seen rather awkward jokes that are lost or vastly reducing the comic effect.
Nothing to say, however, on the same Giacomozzi in the role of author. The text, in fact, has many original and funny characters and situations even if the subject of married life has already been seen many times.
The choice to make a collage of four short plays inevitably leads to a dramatic type of problem: the scene, in fact, was quite poor and were present only objects that really needed at the scene (which, with dramatic abilities have been reduced to a minimum). This note is not necessarily a demerit because attention was always focused on the actors themselves.

Title When the couple broke
Author Luca Giacomozzi
Directed Luca Giacomozzi
Interpreters Carlo Pavan, Claudia Ferri, Alessandro D'Alessandro, Patrick Ciabatta, Alessandro Palmieri
Genre Comedy
Where Teatro Duse (Via Crema, 8. Area: San Giovanni)
When until February 15, 2009
rating 6 / 10

Monday, January 26, 2009

Different Types Of Sailboats

The art of comedy

Arts Comedy understood as the ability of the actors to make it look real the fiction of the theater.

Oreste Campese is the actor-manager of a theater company that, following a disaster, is forced to ask a favor to the new prefect, the two held a conversation about theater and its social commitment, but there are strong differences of ideas bring the comedian to threaten to send his prefect instead of strolling players who have had an appointment in the day to show him how the illusion theater can be easily confused with reality itself.
arise, indeed, other guests, but their tragedies are so real that in fact we'll never know if it comes to real people or actors.

representation implemented at Victoria Theatre, has a set design, yet simple, highly respected. One is captivated by the simple but original effects like the cloth that "disappears" under the floor or the wall becomes transparent "to the idea of \u200b\u200bremaining loyal to the effect that Eduardo is not to be served in the theater scene" true "but it is the viewer having to guess at his pleasure.
The skill of the director lies in having created great comic devices in the first act that, despite what one might expect from a first reading of the text is very smooth and fun while in the second act has been fully grasped the idea of \u200b\u200bwanting to show the public "the Art of Comedy" or a summary of what which is the theater playhouse (the doctor), comedy (the priest), tragic theater (the teacher) any role played by each actor with dignity. But before I welcome all other interpreters of the roles of the prefect and his secretary and the director's choice of this duet quite brilliant. The reactions and aiding and abetting (taken to extremes) of these characters 'real' are much more fake and grotesque expressions of the characters "imaginary" strolling players of the port, and then to a consideration made by DIRECTOR: Campese in the prologue:
Theatre truth will always be given the utmost extreme fiction.

Title The Art of Comedy
Author Eduardo De Filippo
Directed Stefano Messina
Interpreters Stefano Altieri, Renato Scarpa, Carlo Lizzani, Massimiliano Franciosa, Roberto Della Casa, Annalisa Favetti, Riccardo Cascadan, Michael Lella, Ludovic Rosenfeld
Genre Comedy
Where Victoria Theatre (Piazza Santa Maria Liberator, 10. Area: Testaccio)
When until February 15, 2009
rating 7 / 10

Just to accept, post a video taken from youtube:
The prologue recited by Eduardo in a video record of the '64

Friday, January 2, 2009

Whats A Nice Wedding Card

New Year

The 2008 ended with some difficulty for our company, which as you'll read, he had to postpone the show ready, and setting out in search of a new theater. But the project is still alive, and we have already comforting news, but we still can not tell you ...

Wishing you all a happy 2009, hope to see you soon sitting in front of our stage!

by TeatroCombriccola