Monday, February 23, 2009

What Wood Color Is Closest To Pecan

You would have a little 'time? Grand Hotel Tevere

Piazzatevi outside the Manhattan Theatre and let them tell by a spectator if he liked the show. In all likelihood, will be delighted with the two characters a bit 'strange and certainly will be lost in praise for a pianistattore virtuous and the gags. Be careful not to ask for the plot, However, you blowin 'poor spectator. The work is in fact very experimental, sometimes non-sense, made up of several "episodes" in which the players often show extraordinary talent, especially in the use of voice, often pushed beyond the limit impassable! Despite the role of supporting actor, Michael Amador amazed the audience with beautiful live music and incredible facial expressions. Not to be outdone and Simone Fulvio Calderoni Douane, masters of the stage actors and the public, that capitalize on the small size of Manhattan theater (about thirty people in all). Overall the show is light, fast runs off to seem (but only an impression) quite short, you make a lot of laughter and applause.

Title: You'd have a little 'time?
Director: Fulvio Calderoni, Simone Douane
Cast: Fulvio Calderoni, Michele Amadori, Simone Douane
Music: Michael Amador
Genre: Comedy / Comedian
Where: Theatre Manhattan (via Nazionale)
When: Until March 1 from Thursday to Sunday
Rating: 8 / 10


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