Sunday, December 3, 2006

Congratulations On Having Son

Miracles Genetics

Today, mindful of the unforgettable Luigino day, I passed similar to my aunt.

photo of her marriage, year 1964.

now dead Several relatives and friends now dead , table with flowers now dead, and so on. Then, a photo struck me. In black and white, of course, but there was something strange. I see again and again, then I realized: the subjects portrayed in the picture could not be there at that time .

Because, you see, there were four guys in that picture, around 25 years.

I, my cousin Alex, my cousin Gabriella, my cousin Paul .

In a few seconds I thought about the most absurd explanations for this phenomenon, confirmation of outlandish theories about time travel, second life, scenic fiction of reality. Then I understood. In that photo, 1964, there were my father and his three brothers .

Miracles of Genetics.


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