Sunday, December 3, 2006

Congratulations On Having Son

Miracles Genetics

Today, mindful of the unforgettable Luigino day, I passed similar to my aunt.

photo of her marriage, year 1964.

now dead Several relatives and friends now dead , table with flowers now dead, and so on. Then, a photo struck me. In black and white, of course, but there was something strange. I see again and again, then I realized: the subjects portrayed in the picture could not be there at that time .

Because, you see, there were four guys in that picture, around 25 years.

I, my cousin Alex, my cousin Gabriella, my cousin Paul .

In a few seconds I thought about the most absurd explanations for this phenomenon, confirmation of outlandish theories about time travel, second life, scenic fiction of reality. Then I understood. In that photo, 1964, there were my father and his three brothers .

Miracles of Genetics.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Beer Keg Cad Drawings

Nintendo Midnight Opening

I have already spoken in previous posts, the Wii, Nintendo's new console, the purchase of which is my main purpose in life at the moment (how I love to exaggerate xD)

However, after reading several comments on various forums, I began to get anxiety from lack of reservation, which has proved well-founded, as the various shops I've visited here and I have confirmed that the bologna console at launch will be few and they are all already booked.

and despair now convinced not to find a Wii at launch Paciocco even stealing a child, I went to get me a ride to the Feltrinelli di Piazza Piemonte in Milan, probably one of the best in Italy. I was there to wander about the DVD and go see the guy in the video game section. So, without believing it too, I ask him: "Hey, in case you get some Nintendo Wii to launch on 7?" he looks at me and says, "Sometimes? What are you kidding? We have the European premiere! Let's launch party and, sorry if I'm proud of, but we 150 consoles available. "
I remain thrilled. I look at him and say, "Come on, do not take the piss." "But you do not take the piss, look here, there will be a bang with people and also the locations to try. the first wii will be sold here in europe! "
Happy as a child, almost kiss the guy and go home happy at the news.

Here is the official announcement from the booklet Events Feltrinelli

laFeltrinelli Piazza Piemonte, Milano
Wednesday, December 6, 2006 23:00 MIDNIGHT OPENING
Nintendo Wii
tomorrow comes, revolutionary new Nintendo console . For the occasion, special evening between gamers, awaiting the midnight!

I will be there from 20, partly because it is behind the house. Who gets to keep me company?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

How To Increase Dongle Reception


are the 3.56 and I just finished re-reading all the posts made on this blog since January 17, 2005, the day of his birth, to today. My self-esteem has increased a lot. Not so much for content as for the way they are written. Yes, I sleep and instead I autocompiaccio of my ability as a writer. Oh well.

Rereading I was reminded all situations, as well as dozens of others who were there, there in the middle. And I realized that a reader of this blog probably does not know me in real life see me as a crazy lunatic who changes his mind constantly. Which is pretty much the same way I see dozens and dozens of people who know me in real life, that tease me with phrases like "where in the world you are today, rootless bastard?". I realized that is not so easy to describe their thoughts and how they change in a blog or in real life is not easy to explain to others what strange mental processes it has come to their conclusions. But I know them. Ok, maybe not perfectly, maybe a few times I did the rounds not so strange to realize where I was going, but in any case are perfectly able to reconstruct the stages that led me to be what are, doing what I do. This blog helps me. In fact, since January 17, 2005 have changed several things, and most of these changes (but how much I love that word?) Have been treated extensively in these pages. Only posts that always talk about what happened after the development of an idea. There is the HOW, but WHAT. And that is why a reader could not understand much. An acquaintance instead becomes even more difficult, because you see me act without knowing why, let alone know how I managed to do it.

In the end, nobody really knows why I ended up in Milan. Let's be serious, what the fuck am I doing in Milan? I've always disgusted as a city. The curious thing is that we are born. But I never imagined in Milan at the threshold of my twenty-two. Nor to attend the San Raffaele. Psychology? Only in my dreams. In short, a series of strange (sometimes unfortunate) events led me to the city of Madunina, with an obnoxious laptop backpack, as a student private university for excellence in an undergraduate course on which I rely but that does not trust any of my loved ones. All too strange, too different. And then, to maintain a link with the past life, Guess where I am now, at 4:09 in the morning?

But at Bologna, Where else? No, I have not yet detached. I still have my room full of my things, I have my sister, my cousin, mtc, marta, practically everything that has turned my life around in recent years. I should already be in Milan today, but I delayed a day, which, recalling Ferrara, makes me smile a lot. The excuse is that my evening came, the whole family tomorrow Andrea + + + Marine Surveyor will head to Via Borgonuovo, where she awaits the new home of my sister. Actually I only used this thing to not return to Milan. I did not really want in reality. I'm still without a stable system, when I'm at home with my aunt (but how many aunts I cursed?) And although I feel comfortable in the end I broke a bit 'my balls. which reminds me of the various outlets and Scazzi between me and my sister when she still lived here permanently. The reality is that I really want to look for a room. As usual, a negative event has turned off a bit 'my enthusiasm, and to this were added the university commitments, I am strangely fulfilled, including the study. I did not become a nerd, mind you, but the fact that finally does one thing I want to do, the more the awareness of not being able to more afford to lose time, it has increased my passion for the game under the "sweaty cards."

The negative event I mentioned earlier has already happened more than two months ago. I had to take home with one of my best friends who lives in Milan for some time, but after almost three weeks of unnecessary searching we gave up and he stayed in the apartment where he lived. And I'm left on foot. Always respect, counting his aunt's house. What is also nice, but it is heavy as a boulder. In short, in October I had a house, I was disheartened after seeing the ads of niches horrendous, my aunt he kept repeating "do not worry, there is what you want" and so I stopped trying. Yes, I have reserved less time looking for a house like I told everyone, took it from him completely. So now I find myself in December, still without a home. Parent, moved with compassion, he decided that it is in the mood for spending crazy and wants to get a studio. It seems to me premature, frankly, but a studio for me would be the ideal solution. Are now university for four years, three of which, I repeat THREE freshman. University life now I've done it, I lived in the university city par excellence, I did the feasts, the sunrises, nights spent smoking and playing Risk, I smeared the walls of the cathedral, I packed a statue, I drank sangria with cigarette ashes, slept in crowded rooms. I met people saw things. Lived with people different from me, and maybe this is the only thing I can argue, given the relatively short time spent in the house of ferrara than what I had. In short, do not feel like starting over even more than that. Know and learn to live with different people, accept the food habits / hygiene / behavior of others to tolerate unpleasant things, to share all these things when I'm not interested. Knowing me maybe in a month I live in the house with five other people and I will be happy to make these experiences, which ultimately are always different, but now, now, at 4:25 am, a city in cold, I am adamant that a studio would be perfect. Me my cocks, manage my inventory without regard to anyone, to decide whether to stay alone or invite someone to be quiet after a busy day, jumping on the bed naked, eating from the pan and take a shower with the open door, listening to the songs of Bob Dylan cartoons or worrying about the volume or the tastes of other residents of the house, getting a dog, take me to bed a girl without having to worry about unscheduled meetings or awkward explanations after yet more embarrassing situations. In short, to live alone. It would be really great. Yeah I guess, in the most common mental saws these days, my lovely furnished studio in my own way, with a nice futon (or whatever the spelling) with sheets of dark, tired and with remote controls, comics, books, pens , clothes, thrown over in a day Scazzi. And I, svaccato watching TV, or play with the wii .

Already, the wii. And 'this is my new obsession with puerile, after those described in these pages and many others that came later. I have already spoken, long time ago. Then called the Revolution, but it struck me how it strikes me now, and now more than then "Curiosity kills me." The innovative controller and the desire to give me a toy for Christmas I do not think of anything else when I'm at computer, looking for videos, reviews, comments. The new Nintendo console will be released in Europe on December 8, Italy 7, probably because the party is December 8th. I have the money to I buy them at launch. I will make a living by beggar for the rest of December, but never mind. Unfortunately I do not know if I'll find, but I feel it a chance. Especially because, cabbage, December 7th is a holiday in Milan. So I might go back to Bologna on Wednesday, 6 (obviously I can not get it to + play with Milan, imagine my aunt ... big incentive to find a house) to buy the 7 and do one of those weekend nerd so I like and that more and more I rarely concede. And then the Wii (or Wii, has not yet decided if it's a boy or a girl) is the ultimate party console, so it may also escape me some strange session of tennis together. Ok, now are the 4:41 and managed to turn a serious post in yet another frenzy of a nerd who lives in a basically normal guy.

Now, at 4:42, while Michael Stipe and company sing It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) put an end to this post, to devote myself to a massive upgrade of the template for then go to bed satisfied.

Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I decline.

It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine), REM, 1987

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bottomless Party Streaming

Best wishes, Dylan.

The Investigator of the Sept. 28 celebrates twenty years of life, and does so in style, after five years, along with its creator: Tiziano Sclavi.

The year was 1986. In October, while Italy is still remembered with hatred of the cold winter months the previous year, appeared on newsstands timidly a new set of Sergio Bonelli Editore: Dylan Dog.
Its origins are well known to all: Tiziano Sclavi, in 1984, was an editor of the publishing house of Mr. No, and Zagor and popular writer of several books of these titles. Despite the Bonelli was recognized as one of the largest publishing houses in the country, its founder, Sergio Bonelli, the Director Decio Canzio Sclavi and did not feel satisfied with the situation they were in the comics in those years. Relegated to the "forbidden zone" of Newsagents, a step away from porn magazines, few of them managed to get greater public attention. Therefore, during the brief encounters at the bar in the offices of the publishing house, the three wondered on the way forward to bring a jolt to the world of "clouds". After several attempts to magazines author unfortunately failed, they decided to do what they can do better: the series "Popular." No sooner said than done. In the time of an afternoon Sclavi prepared a person for what would become his most popular creation.
Initially, Dylan Dog was not at all resemble what we know now. To not even be called like this: Dylan Dog was in fact the working title Sclavi that gave all of his characters before settling on a final part dedicated to the poet Dylan Thomas and dedicated in part to the title of a book: "Dog, son .... " In addition, of the environment, how to be the character had to be completely different. Dylan Dog in the beginning was a hard-boiled private eye Marlowe-style, without the humor that now characterizes it, lonely and living in New York. But in New York was already Martin Mystère, head born recently created by Alfredo Castelli, and we decided to set in London, Gothic town par excellence and therefore perfectly suited to the setting that was to feature the comic horror . In addition the investigator could not act alone, was able to share with someone's suspicions, so the shoulder was a must (initially inspired by Marty Feldman, then came the legendary Groucho). Following these initial changes, it finally outlined the psychological profile of the main character and style with which the stories were told. Only his face was missing.

Sclavi the designer Claudio Villa entrusted with the task of finding it. Villa was inspired by the dancer Antonio Gades, creating a rather macho Dylan, looking very Latin. Sclavi did not seem very happy, and luck would have it a few days earlier had seen the movie "The Choice" (Another Country), which appeared in Rupert Everett. Villa was forced to see the film and the face of Dylan Dog was born there in the darkness of a cinema.

Dylan Dog in its first incarnation: the
the dancer Antonio Gades. (Art by Claudio Villa)

After two years, after taking a more or less accurate, after dozens and dozens of tables, written by a Sclavi prey to the enthusiasm, the Investigator of was ready to face the acid test: the exit kiosk.

not the super. After a few weeks after, Decio Canzio phoned the distributor saying, succinctly, "the book is dead on the newsstands."
But Bonelli did not lose hope. They managed to fall in the cost of the first exit, and continued to produce books monthly, keeping always on sales rather mediocre. Then, suddenly, without warning, boom. Word of mouth had struck again. As would happen later to "Three Steps Over Heaven" (sic) sales soared. The age of Dylan Dog.

In the early nineties was the Dylan Dog comic book more sold in Italy, surpassing even Tex, the historic western gunslinger born in the 50s, which still boasts a huge number of fans. This led to almost 1 million copies sold per month. And the phenomenon was not confined to the world of comic books, the entire print generalized questioned about the reasons for the enormous success of this comic horror, dozens of famous people (first of all Umberto Eco) declared their love for the creature Sclavi. They began to sprout clones, all inspired by the most superficial part of the series, the gore, violent, macabre. Were unsuccessful, because Dylan was not a Dog fad, not a desire to splatter of Italian youth, the stories told dell'antieroe London in an original way, the difficulties and hardships of man in our time, to cry, now famous, from "The Munsters us ". But Dylan was not only to grow. Thanks to its enormous success, many publishers found the courage groped new companies, Bonelli was beginning to produce new warheads, and in a few years the comics had entered the popular imagination, no longer confined and snubbed, not closer to porn magazines, but on display, many with thousands of readers. It was a golden age for all.

The Number 45, "Goblin" released in 1990, brings
cover the enthusiastic announcement
200,000 copies sold.
(Cover by Angelo Stano)

Over the years, however, things began to go wrong. After winning dozens of awards, including the prestigious Oscar of comics, the Yellow Kid (1990), Dylan Dog began to suffer from the problems of mass production and the lack of real continuity. The most brilliant ideas were obviously not like the first, readers were increasingly demanding and many began to complain of excessive Repeatable of registers. Perhaps the darkest period for the head Bonelli is one that goes from the late '90s until the early 2000, years in which Sclavi disappeared, and was accused of having "abandoned" his child. Other writers, though valid at the beginning, they could always create good stories, partly because of the limited freedom they had to interfere with the character, the sole task of Sclavi. In addition, while the comic book world evolved with graphic experiments of any kind (just to cite or Moebius Enki Bilal), and even the popular American comic improved their graphics, the designers Bonelli were "stuck" in the famous "Bonelli scheme, which in fact prevented bold graphics solutions that might turn a blind eye to the reader in front of a mediocre story. Many players began to argue that Dylan Dog was dead, the sales dropped. But however many loyalists continued to buy, as long as there were some signs of recovery.

Among these signals, certainly the most important is the entry stable in the writer's more like Sclavi for genius, style and relationship with the character. Pardon, screenwriter. I'm talking about Paola Barbato, now considered the backbone of the series, along with Pasquale Ruju and a few others. But while Ruju now no longer able to write books of good quality, probably due to the excessive "exploitation" that has endured over the years, Paola Barbato offers a pearl of all his work, often making a miracle readers, overwhelmed from his love stories, poetry, original. It is no coincidence, then, that to dramatize the very important number 200 (only register on the cover Groucho also appear and Mr Bloch), titled simply "The Number Two hundred" was her own. It did not disappoint the expectations: "The Number Two hundred" is considered one of the best books of recent years, and recounts the origins of the suspect, just after the sad events of another important roll, "Till Death Do We Separate "the number 121, which is celebrating its tenth birthday of Dylan Dog.
And now, ten years later, the number doubles, in every sense.

No. 242, twenty years, double story. Bonelli want to do things in style to celebrate their ward, and they will once again relying on his beard with the daunting task of writing two books of the twentieth anniversary celebration, in which perhaps will shed light on the most mysterious character of the series: Xabaras, the evil doctor who dreams of resurrecting the dead and of misrepresent be the true father of Dylan Dog. Moreover, in two stories, the first on newsstands Sept. 28, titled "Xabaras!" And the second the following month, called "In the Name of the Father" we see the return of two other characters familiar to fans DYLAN: Kim and his terrible witch cat, Cagliostro.

What's more, for the first time in history of Sergio Bonelli Editore the covers of two books, combined, will form a single design, and yet, as we have now used in every special occasion, both registers are in color, but never before will be similar to last generation of American Comics .
(A side, some striking pages of "Xabaras!" The first of two books dedicated to twenty years. Drawings of Bruno Brindisi. Property Sergio Bonelli Editore)

But the festivities do not end there. E ' newsstand in fact, the number 240, "Ucronìa" which marks the return of Tiziano Sclavi between the writers. For it was from May 2001, the month in the dawn "The Project" and "Tiz" Do not write a story. A writer's block that has frightened tens of fans, although it was not the first time. But now he is back, and ready well two other books that will accompany us on the threshold of 2007. What
on sale is the first, an album-style Sclavi, based on the concept expressed by the title: Ucronìa, timeless. Indeed, out of time, but inside, the "time" itself. Dominates the surreal, the question "what if?" And there is room, plenty of room for splatter. It 'an album that we were no longer used, away from the fold that Dylan had taken in recent times, despite "Beyond Massacre" by Paola Barbato had reminded us that Dylan is also metafumetto, is introspection, it is everything.

Well, perhaps the real reason why Dylan Dog has reached twenty years of life, with ups and downs, the passions of millions of readers is this: it represents every aspect of our existence, just as we are distressed by our own fear, haunted by what he can not understand, fascinated by the "big questions". And we, with him, we feel as the computer at the end of "Ucronìa" and we ask

"There's Existence?"

And the answer may be only one:

& ldquo , Yes or No ... "

Monday, September 4, 2006

Best Way To Prep Linen For Oil Painting

As if proof were needed ...

... proved to be a loser, of epochal dimensions.

Ok, the short preamble:

The summer is over, I omit comments because it was flat as the cinematic interpretations of Monica Bellucci. We stayed at this: Psychology / Duse in Rome. Unbelievable but true, we are still there, with two additions. Since I always like to keep open various possibilities, I launched two other companies: I signed up to test of Psychology at the San Raffaele and Catholic University of Milan. So, why are universities because pussies and should have more options. So Let's see these possibilities.

End Preamble.

the first of September, the day that officially the beginning of a new season of work for many tedious, I was pretty good out of the imposing structure of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele, a stone's throw from Milan Two. I was there, cigarette in mouth (even though I had decided to stop just 2 weeks ago), sunglasses, cool attitude as if to say "are cool, cooler than you love me." In short, a pathetic way to break the ice. Mah So there I was, I look around and clearly have the typical scenario now every male student is in front of each entrance exam. A host of girls Ciarlante and fragrant, concerned questions of logic and hopeful to copy. A mess. But we were few, however, a hundred, more or less. Well, I tell you. I have a chance to get two.

As usual, the delay before starting the test is long and terribly annoying. We have to turn down the escalators, humanoid cows to the slaughterhouse. Around 14 we all come together in a large lecture hall, without the typical bank to which the State Universities have accustomed us. Several seats lined, blue, almost identical the chair on which rests my Terga at this time. No media, even the classic affarino that turns around. You understand what I mean. Only a small folder, also blue, on which we had to put the answer sheet. Result: we looked like two hundred delegates who listened to an invisible man and took notes. The test itself was particularly bastard, questions which belong to the category of the phantom CULTURE GENERAL stop. A hundred, ranging from the definition of Mannerism in Paisan, the only film directed by Vittorio de Sica of the five alternatives. At the end of the test announcement, the results will be available from September 4. Cabbages, not spend time at the San Raffaele. So, I return to Bologna, Bologna dear old beloved offense more than ever because I like you even Milano, and I look.

This morning, I begin to comb through the site. Look here, look over there, in the end I find: the ranking. I read: "His name is highlighted in yellow." Very good, yellow is a color that stands out. And I in front of the big screen, I flush his eyes with his fingers, to imagine between the lines, an upper Francescomaria. I get down, get down, get down, get down, yellow. Law: It is my name. Score: ok I do not care. Location. I read. I laugh. I reread them. I laugh again. The seats are 80. Yeah, yeah, that's it. I am unlucky, I told you. I can not do things in a simple, linear. No, I have to suffer because otherwise the audience fucking bored and change channels.

Places are eighty. And I'm eighty-first.

are eighty-first. It means that I can not put his mind at rest. It means I have to wait for the recovery of the ranking posts, 7. It means that 7 must still take the test at La Sapienza, because you never know. It means that 8 I have to go to Milan. Means I still have that 8 to take the test at the Catholic, because you never know. It means that as time is short, the eighty before I could sign up everybody, not yet knowing their fate in other faculties. It means that I started a cross-searching of all the eighty people in front of me. It means that I have a sniper rifle ready, and a piano wire.

means you are a loser, as if there was any need for a demonstration.

And I front of the mirror great, I flush his eyes with his fingers
to imagine between the legs, a tiny pussy.
Fabrizio de Andrè, Princesa (Salvation, 1996)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Black Hair Stylist In Brampton

2 + 2 = ...

... 5. So Radiohead would say, recalling the famous dogma of Orwell's masterpiece, which alas, is now only remembered for having inspired the name of the most popular reality show ever. In "1984" Big Brother controlled the people constantly, now the people are controlled by his children and members, always on TV to create trends.

In my case, however, dueppiùddue not make five. No, make four. As in elementary school. As an accountant in the grass. 2 +2 = 4, it is true, and mathematics. But it is also a symbol of a mental association of a discovery, is one of those situations where, slamming his forehead, exclaim "Of course!" Happy with our intuition. Often, however, is not so easy, especially when we find ourselves in an unprecedented situation, frightened and intimidated, by the brain in performance anxiety, feeling what others tell us without listening to anything. That is the kind of situation where I was 2 weeks ago now. I was in Rome, beautiful as always, ready to offer its architectural wonders, but I was not there for vacation. I was there to understand something, if this latest desire to change, this latest crisis could be met / exceeded thanks to a more serious approach to a "ball" to a "whim" to a desire never too much power because ; not well daydreaming. I was in Rome for a seminar. Of course, no doctor. Never let it be. I was at a seminar on acting. One week, intensive work every day, to know the method Stanislavski Strasberg-thanks to one of the more "expert" on the subject, Francesca De Sapio, Director of International Duse. In short, another escape attempt, another attempt to do something we really believe perhaps. And the first day I was there, full of high hopes, somewhat 'brash, ready to receive praise for my talents (and only the subtitle of this blog has made me fly a bit more below), resulting in an end of the day large number of screams, a huge headache, an infinite weariness and a new awareness. Awareness is not no one, not worth a shit. I know nothing, they are totally ignorant on the subject. I'm like a basketball player who wants to go to church pitch in Serie A: When I walk I whistle I watch incredulously, attack the referee and I beak an engineer. I complain because the opponent rolls two free bonus although we are not, and do not make me go crazy when the throw. Totally incompetent. Maybe with talent, why not, but with the wrong convictions to be erased as soon as possible. And that's what I did on the second day. I am not here to dwell on other days at the little Theater "The Shipyard" in that of Trastevere, because I can not find the right words. As I told everyone, was intense, beautiful, difficult, traumatic, and I was scared. Because what is certain is that becoming an actor is a difficult job, and I want to know the techniques to a real live person. The method is undoubtedly the best way to do it, but the work is long, very long, and you have to face enormous obstacles, which are inside of me. Fear, Anger, Anger, Certainties Wrong, all that is within me is a potential hurdle. To be able to enter a character must first enter in themselves, know themselves, and eliminate all those things that make us become different from what we really are. And that's why I'm scared. I'm 21 years old, I've had some experience, I knew things, risk and time to discover that my best friend is actually the last of the unknown. 21 years lived as a stranger to me himself. Perhaps I exaggerate, maybe not. And 'certainly a difficult thing to accept, but realizing it is the first step.

So, what do you expect? A change in the word no longer present in the pages of this blog. A big change, right this time. At least in form, but perhaps also in essence. Ferrara I leave, but oh well, this was in the air for some time. I'll leave medicine, and the choir which accompanies this statement should be a mix of "oooooooooooh" and "finally!". I'm leaving Bologna, with heart in hand, weeping blood. I'm going to Rome. I will live in Rome. I will enroll in Psychology, and simultaneously to Duse will study to become an actor. Shit, from a few months ago that he had resigned to the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing medicine this is a bombshell. Now, in these days that separate me from my new life, finally living seriously, doing what I should have done from day one to graduation, I scratch my belly. No, not true. Study for university entrance (3 entrance exam in four years, Americans make me a blowjob), study some plays, go to the gym, and pretend to take an examination in medicine. Well, the change will come. for now I'm still the same old dick.

For every action, reaction. In any situation, a consequence. A cause an effect.


Yes, I know, I know, I do a post after months and I think I get along with nonchalance. Well, yes, I think. I do not have internet at home, at the moment are in a call center with five Pakistani Romanian shouting greetings to their parents on the phone. So do not post it so very often. In these month absence, nothing happened. That is, more specifically, I broke a leg and two months of detention in bed I decided to revolutionize my life. Cause, effect.

dueppiùddue You did?

Francesca De Sapio, from 29/05/2006 to 06/04/2006, very, very often.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Diet Clinic At Matamoros

letter. Assimilation

Dear Zisha,

do not know if you remember me. It's me, genius & talent. Your blog. Tomorrow is my birthday. Yes, I celebrate a year, but it seems that you do not care at all. Now I'm here, alone, for months. Do not you have made me a Christmas card, nor those for the new year. You have not taken care of me. Do not you care, maybe? Your life is so full of commitments do not allow you to tell me something, running the risk of losing others? Or is it the opposite? Do you have a life so empty that they have nothing to say? Talk to me. Trust. Tell me something. Tell me about the movie you saw, or what comic I ever read. Tell me about what excites you, please. I can not live this way, only with a few passing distracted looking at me disinterested, or someone who comes to see me trying to find some kind of chips greasy or other crap, and instead found me. I smile. I try to show what I have, the things I know, I owe you. I try to tell him about Old Boy, or Closer, but he is not interested. It goes away, leaving me alone in the hope that sooner or later you come back. Please. Come back to me. I miss you.

with desperate love,

-------- -------------------


I know well that tomorrow is your birthday. I still remember perfectly the emotion of your birth when you constantly monitor, and told you everything I could to make you grow well, strong and healthy. And remember, alas, even when, months ago, I told you some things that I had been totally alienated from the world. I had been away from you, and much more. It was a long time since I did not care about you. Yet I got rid of the drugs for a long time that I had overlooked. I went back to business as usual, with friends, cinema, wine, and as usual much fancazzismo. It 'been a while, here, when I did not give weight to anything, got shit in an existential indifference I was driving a fake peace and full of dissatisfaction and future failure. With the start of the new year, I promised myself to limit myself to stop there, to do things just because they were there to be made, to see people just because this is what they wanted. I promised myself to create me a scale, a scale of values. But I have not yet done so, as you can well imagine. Best wishes for Christmas, I have spent with friends new and old. I have played Cyberpunk. Best wishes for New Year, I have spent with friends new and old. In Barcelona. I enjoyed it. My life is not full of commitments, at least not so many as to prevent switching to get a greeting from time to time, not enough to stop me to tell you something. Nor is empty, or at least not any more. Maybe it was, for a few months. But now I'm back to normal life, between Bologna and Ferrara, experience strange and absurd speeches, friends and acquaintances, including many comic books and very little study. Already, the study, the same old problem. The depression study now on time in exam period, when I realize that oh! I did not do a shit and there are only twenty days to a major test. Although it is returned to a life normal, I feel like shit now, rather than the time when I just to exist. More than anything because now I have full knowledge of what actually feel like shit, but first I had no idea. And even if I had, I would not have cared. So now things are moving forward in the usual way, with the only complication that the study should be totally absorbed, but he tries and fails. I try, and I can not. I will try to save your ass all'ulltimo minutes as usual, do not worry. In the meantime, I promise that I will find you, really. There are some things I should tell you. Even if I do not really want, really. No, do not get me wrong, not that I do not want to tell you in particular, I do not want to reconstruct the facts in my mind for his own decision. There is a "do not disturb." Laziness, sloth. I am releasing, but have not yet gone completely. So forgive me if you do not tell the last Dylan Dog, or the last movie I saw. I will, sooner or later, but it's not yet time.

Take care,
