Before tonight, I knew the text of Williams only heard about but I had never seen represented.
Considering the period in which it was written, is rather amusing is that the language used, the description of the Italian-American reality in which they are put into play the cliches and stereotypes by giving more emphasis on comedy than the drama of the situation.
The depth of each character, each of which carries his cross, inevitably requires good preparation by the actors and it goes without saying that only players with a good education behind it can take on such a "burden" without cover ridicule.
In this case the actors were all up to their roles, without exception, everyone knew to make the right breaks, right time, everyone could say his line with the right tone, right intention, right volume. The tecninca and the use of voice have been complied with strictly so that one would congratulate each of them for pointing out every single rule learned in acting school. All respect to the interpreters. Ten honors. Yet he felt that something was missing: Definitely missing something otherwise I would not have bored during the most sluggish of the text, something that made me think for almost the entire duration of the first act (it lasts about an hour and a half). Then I realized: no soul.
Every actor has in mind the advice of their teachers, but this penalty and having to comply with technical regulations has made them forget that you can not convey feelings unless you are willing to put feelings into play.
The claimant did not share with all of himself in the scene but was limited to immerse themselves in a character and this has created two negative effects: do not ride in the comic scenes and you do not feel any emotion in those dramatic.
In my mind I figured at least four potential scenes which could have been tear applause that, however, there have been.
It 'been a shame to have wasted so much talent with an error so serious and, in my view, unforgivable way (sorry for the harshness, but I do not just send in a broth of jujube the idea of \u200b\u200bpaying a ticket only to realize that even if they are 22.00, I feel the weight of the eyelids).
On a positive note, however, I dedicate it to the scenery. Sure has been achieved only thanks to the large size of the stage but the fact remains that, even absent of color, the meticulous dedication to every detail is pretty dazzling, and the same goes for the lights, although only white lights were always settled in an almost maniacal enough to always give the right emphasis to the scene.
Information: Title: The Rose Tattoo Author: Tennessee Williams Directed by: Francis Tavassi Performers: Mariangela D'Abbraccio (Serafina), Paolo Giovannucci (Alvaro Mangiacavallo), Dajana Roncione (Rosa Delle Rose), Gabriele Russo (Jack Hunter), Francesco Tavassi (Father De Leo), Federica Restani (Miss Yorke, Estelle, Bessie), Jacqueline Ferry (Flora, Peppino), Antonietta Rado (Assumption) Genre: Comedy rating 5 / 10