... 5. So Radiohead would say, recalling the famous dogma of Orwell's masterpiece, which alas, is now only remembered for having inspired the name of the most popular reality show ever. In "1984" Big Brother controlled the people constantly, now the people are controlled by his children and members, always on TV to create trends.
In my case, however, dueppiĆ¹ddue not make five. No, make four. As in elementary school. As an accountant in the grass. 2 +2 = 4, it is true, and mathematics. But it is also a symbol of a mental association of a discovery, is one of those situations where, slamming his forehead, exclaim "Of course!" Happy with our intuition. Often, however, is not so easy, especially when we find ourselves in an unprecedented situation, frightened and intimidated, by the brain in performance anxiety, feeling what others tell us without listening to anything. That is the kind of situation where I was 2 weeks ago now. I was in Rome, beautiful as always, ready to offer its architectural wonders, but I was not there for vacation. I was there to understand something, if this latest desire to change, this latest crisis could be met / exceeded thanks to a more serious approach to a "ball" to a "whim" to a desire never too much power because ; not well daydreaming. I was in Rome for a seminar. Of course, no doctor. Never let it be. I was at a seminar on acting. One week, intensive work every day, to know the method Stanislavski Strasberg-thanks to one of the more "expert" on the subject, Francesca De Sapio, Director of International Duse. In short, another escape attempt, another attempt to do something we really believe perhaps. And the first day I was there, full of high hopes, somewhat 'brash, ready to receive praise for my talents (and only the subtitle of this blog has made me fly a bit more below), resulting in an end of the day large number of screams, a huge headache, an infinite weariness and a new awareness. Awareness is not no one, not worth a shit. I know nothing, they are totally ignorant on the subject. I'm like a basketball player who wants to go to church pitch in Serie A: When I walk I whistle I watch incredulously, attack the referee and I beak an engineer. I complain because the opponent rolls two free bonus although we are not, and do not make me go crazy when the throw. Totally incompetent. Maybe with talent, why not, but with the wrong convictions to be erased as soon as possible. And that's what I did on the second day. I am not here to dwell on other days at the little Theater "The Shipyard" in that of Trastevere, because I can not find the right words. As I told everyone, was intense, beautiful, difficult, traumatic, and I was scared. Because what is certain is that becoming an actor is a difficult job, and I want to know the techniques to a real live person. The method is undoubtedly the best way to do it, but the work is long, very long, and you have to face enormous obstacles, which are inside of me. Fear, Anger, Anger, Certainties Wrong, all that is within me is a potential hurdle. To be able to enter a character must first enter in themselves, know themselves, and eliminate all those things that make us become different from what we really are. And that's why I'm scared. I'm 21 years old, I've had some experience, I knew things, risk and time to discover that my best friend is actually the last of the unknown. 21 years lived as a stranger to me himself. Perhaps I exaggerate, maybe not. And 'certainly a difficult thing to accept, but realizing it is the first step.
So, what do you expect? A change in the word no longer present in the pages of this blog. A big change, right this time. At least in form, but perhaps also in essence. Ferrara I leave, but oh well, this was in the air for some time. I'll leave medicine, and the choir which accompanies this statement should be a mix of "oooooooooooh" and "finally!". I'm leaving Bologna, with heart in hand, weeping blood. I'm going to Rome. I will live in Rome. I will enroll in Psychology, and simultaneously to Duse will study to become an actor. Shit, from a few months ago that he had resigned to the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing medicine this is a bombshell. Now, in these days that separate me from my new life, finally living seriously, doing what I should have done from day one to graduation, I scratch my belly. No, not true. Study for university entrance (3 entrance exam in four years, Americans make me a blowjob), study some plays, go to the gym, and pretend to take an examination in medicine. Well, the change will come. for now I'm still the same old dick.
For every action, reaction. In any situation, a consequence. A cause an effect.
Yes, I know, I know, I do a post after months and I think I get along with nonchalance. Well, yes, I think. I do not have internet at home, at the moment are in a call center with five Pakistani Romanian shouting greetings to their parents on the phone. So do not post it so very often. In these month absence, nothing happened. That is, more specifically, I broke a leg and two months of detention in bed I decided to revolutionize my life. Cause, effect.
dueppiĆ¹ddue You did?
Francesca De Sapio, from 29/05/2006 to 06/04/2006, very, very often.